大数据的流行一定程序导致的爬虫的流行,有些企业和公司本身不生产数据,那就只能从网上爬取数据,笔者关注相关的内容有一定的时间,也写过很多关于爬虫的系列,现在收集好的框架希望能为对爬虫有兴趣的人,或者想更进一步的研究的人提供索引,也随时欢迎大家star,fork ,或者提issue,让我们一起来完善这个awesome系列.
A collection of awesome web crawler,spider and resources in different language
- Scrapy - A fast high-level screen scraping and web crawling framework.
- pyspider - A powerful spider system.
- cola - A distributed crawling framework.
- Demiurge - PyQuery-based scraping micro-framework.
- feedparser - Universal feed parser.
- Grab - Site scraping framework.
- MechanicalSoup - A Python library for automating interaction with websites.
- portia - Visual scraping for Scrapy.
- crawley - Pythonic Crawling / Scraping Framework based on Non Blocking I/O operations.
- RoboBrowser - A simple, Pythonic library for browsing the web without a standalone web browser.
- MSpider - A simple ,easy spider using gevent and js render.
- 原文作者:大鱼
- 原文链接:https://brucedone.com/archives/852/
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